Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Things... and Stuff

I have been really up and down lately. And I'd like to tell you all about it. But it's just that it's a bit too personal, and I might just cry, and stuff. On the other hand... I feel like I need to share -- talk about it, y'know?

OMGosh -- Fine! I'll spill...

Basically it started out with this person and me, of course. And we got together and did some things and then some other stuff. Then after a while we decided not to do some things and stuff. But then it was like they said this and I said that. And then I was way irritated over this and that and more things and stuff, while at the same time loving all of the things and stuff.

So -- now I am just not sure what to do next. Y'know? And the whole reason I really don't wanna share is pretty much because most people think I just really don't know what I am doing or what I am getting myself into, or that I am a fool. And in some ways a lot of these things and stuff has proved them right. And I really don't want to have to accept that either, cuz that's sort of embarrassing, right? I mean who wants to accept that perhaps they are just a little crazy, or desperate or heaven forbid, WRONG and whatnot. Besides, I guess deep down I feel that while sometimes things and stuff can back us into a corner, or make us do other things and stuff we wouldn't normally do, I just don't wanna have any more regrets, y'know? But by the same token, sometimes there are just certain things that are so totally worth every risk. I mean - as with a lot of stuff, right?

And I know that I said I was gonna like fall off the grid for a while... but seriously? We all know that I am a bloggy-comment-whore and really, like can't stay away for like too long. Cuz mostly, you guys like totally rock and help me get through my crap and stuff while I deal with these things... and stuff... like, y'know? Totally...

Boy, I'm sure glad I'm getting all of this stuff and whatnot off my chest. I feel a little better already. I am sure whatever stuff I decide to do next about all of that other stuff will work out, and I'll be ok, eventually -- maybe even a little better, a little stronger for it. Even though the road may be a little bumpy, and things might seem a little hard to handle sometimes... I mean, I really don't know what I am going to do or what's gonna happen next. I guess most of the things and stuff are outta my hands at this point. I wish like I could see the end from the beginning sometimes, and know more about how all of this stuff is gonna play out.

Wow... you DO get me. Thanks for listening! I know I can always count on you! Mwah!


Deborah said...

That was about as clear as mud ... but this is the blogosphere and you don't really know many of us (including me) in real life, so that's probably as it should be. What I did get from that was that some things (and stuff) are causing pain and confusion--which is really all I need to know. I'll pray for you, Emma.

S Club Mama said...

I think the first thing is to pray about it. God will always show you the way He wants you to go. And that may not be the way you or the other person want to go but who are we to argue with God, right?
Secondly, it's ok to be wrong. And most of the time when we're getting into things, none of us know what we're getting into. It's all a mystery. There's always some surprise. I'm sure most people have felt lost at one point or another, but we're all friends here so it's ok to let it all out for us. :)

Puphigirl said...

I think I am even more confused. Like Deborah said, that was about as clear as mud.

When it comes to matters of the heart, there is always insecurity and vulnerability. It is hard to determine if both parties are on the same page, the same wavelength. I remember Mom telling me once, that you can't date forever. You either get married or you break up.

Rhonda said...

puhpigirl has a point with what momma said..though I do understand taking risks too. Just follow what feels right to YOU my dear, and "it'll all be alright. Everything will be alright." (that was a quote from a former prophet though I can't remember which one.sorry)

Anyway, I totally get you!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Emma, I have no idea at all what you are talking about, and it was as Deborah said, clear as mud, but all I can say is that you have all of us behind you.
I have a feeling that it could involve a man!
We're all here for you, and bottling things up won't help! We've all been there!
Praying for you, sweetheart, only you will know the right way to go with this!
Big hugs!

Susie said...

Ok...I think I need another cup of coffee to get to the heart of that matter:-)

BlueCastle said...

Oh, Emma. I wish I had some really good advice, something really good to say. I hope things get better, I hope you know exactly what you need to do and have the strength to do it. :) I am just guessing, but I think this has to do with a certain man in your life? I am sending you hugs and prayers....

greenolive said...

Well, I think if you enjoy going through stuff rather than not going through stuff then just tough it out. But if it's the otherway where you're tired of all the stuff then maybe it's time to get rid of all that stuff and look for some new things and stuff. I agree that you should pray about it which knowing you, you have been. Other than that, it's up to you what you decide.

Ruthykins said...

have you ever seen the movie "the women"? not the new crappy one, i'm talking the old black and white one, which is waaaay better than the remake. anyway, the mother gives her daughter some good advice: don't talk to your girlfriends. now, i'm not saying that we'll all give you bad advice, but just know that it's advice. especially if it's from me. i was talking to someone else and i caught myself saying something horrible and her husband. i know it's not the same situation as what you're in, but just don't expect me to say the right thing if you talk to me about stuff.

Tulsi said...

In any decisions, don't care what the neighbor's think. I'm not sure what things and stuff you are talking about, but it all works out in the end.

pinkelephant said...

Sounds like you just need to clear your mind. Blow those clouds away... He is watching you. Hugs!

okeydokeyifine said...

Hey such and stuff can be a good thing but I must add to pray like it all depends on the Lord, and look for the answer, and work like it all depends on you. Does that make sense and stuff?

Anonymous said...

What can I say? ((Hugs))