So - do you ever leave a comment on someone else's post that leads you to think, "hmmm, I could totally blog about this"? Or perhaps you leave a witty comment on someone else's post and you totally crack yourself up over it, and perhaps you're like me and love a wee-bit o' attention and think, "this is too funny not to share!" No? Oh, all righty then... guess it's just me.
I admit, sometimes I just totally crack myself up. Hey - does it matter if I'm the only one laughing? Does it matter that my snorting might even get so loud, the 4LeggedCreature raises just one eyebrow in my direction? Not really, as it usually occurs between the hours of midnight and 2 am.
Ok - with that being said, the next few posts will be based off of comments I have left on YOUR blog posts. Here is the first one for today...
This was in response to Yaya's post (in part) on Thank You notes and how she wrote her granny to thank her for the ear muffs: Click here for entire post
Emmap said...
thank-you notes: you are supposed to thank them for the Past (event/gift/etc.), mention how it will benefit you and somehow tie it to the future. works for personal or business: if you simply say, "thanks for the gift" it doesn't work. Stating "ear muffs" makes it "personal" and stating you plan to use them states the benefits AND ties it to the future all in one. Here's how a business one works:
Thanks so much for agreeing to meet me for lunch today. (thanks for the event). I had the pleasure getting to know you better and learning what I can do to help you achieve your business goals. (mention benefits). I look forward to working with you soon. (tie it to the future).
Dear Ex Husband,
Thank you for the divorce. I have learned and grown so much from this experience. I look forward to what my new-found freedom will bring me.
Can you find the three main elements here?
Oh, make me smile!
That's probably one of the most HONEST thank you notes ever written :)
I can read so much stuff "between the lines" in the Dear Ex Husband thank you.
And yes, I do post comments that crack me up. Who cares if I'm the only one that gets the humor in what I've said. I admit that sometimes I read my comments over and over and over and over...
That's the least bitter note to an ex I have ever seen:-)
On rare occasion I do crack myself up.
Excellent advice about how to write a thank you note. I'm definitely gonna incorporate that.
Like how you gave us a practical example.
dear emma,
i enjoyed reading your post. you always make me laugh. i look forward to sharing your blog with others.
It´s not just you! I sometimes crack myself up too. Most of the time no one else get´s it... :)
Loved your thank you note. I´m sure it got it´s point across very eloquently! :)
P.S. I love your witty comments too!
Oh man, you are so funny! I still laugh at the comments you have been leaving me. Crap Tuesday...Ha!
I have to say sometimes I make myself laugh with my commnets. But, just a few have done that, I am not that witty.
I actually looked for the three elements in the ex letter. Gosh, I am a nerd:)
I very often comment and then think it would make a great post. The thank you note is great. My mom would have added what is between the lines:D
Love your 'profile' pic, the one that says "me, complete with zit". that's actually an ADORABLE pic!!!!
Yup, that was a great comment! And I do that too sometimes. I leave a comment and think-that would be good blog fodder! ;)
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