Friday, February 24, 2012

World's Greatest Essay

My nephew wrote a paper recently.  Truthfully, when I read his work I was stunned and amazed.  In fact, this is definitely one of the best essays, if not the Greatest Essay ever written!  Read on and see for yourself!

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My Ant Loves Me, by Dougan

My Ant Emma loves me. My ant is nice to me.  I know that she loves me because she plays games with me and sings to me.  We play games and sing songs together. I think that she is the best ant to have.

Best paper EVER!  Am I right?    Oh yeah... and "Ant" Emma...  //snickers//.


Springbubble said...

That is the most beautiful essay ever, Ant Emma. Dougan is GreenOlive's son, right?

Average Joe's Handgun Reviews said...

So many parents should read that essay. It is the simple things that the kids remember. Both younger people and older people want to feel that they are relevant and the best way to show it is to spend time and do simple things with them.

Puphigirl said...


Cassie said...

Super cute!!! Love it :)

Rhonda said...

Awww!! :)