Friday, September 3, 2010

Baby Steps to FREEDOM!

I remember these milestones... and each little bit of freedom they gave me.

"Ahh... he can crawl and get his own blankie! Yippee - I can keep scrap-booking!"

"Ahh... he can walk over and pick up his own toys! Yee-Haw! I can stay on the computer!"

"Ahh... he figured out how to work the remote by himself! I can finally PEE in PRIVATE as he watches HIS show!"

"Ahh... he can 'do' the potty all by himself! No more "throw-up-in-my-mouth events!""

"Ahh... he is tall enough to reach his own snacks! Woo-hoo! My movie's still on anyway!"

"Ahh... he is in school 3 hours a day! What-to-do with my new FREE time!?!?!?!"

"Ahh... he is in school for 6 hours a day! Oh My Word! I can take an UN-Interrupted Soak in the tub!"

"Ahh... he is old enough to stay home by himself for a few hours! Grocery shopping never SEEMED so glamorous!"

"Ahh... he is old enough to watch over the younger siblings! Can you say Girls Night Out???"

"Ahh... he is old enough to do his own laundry! I could go for a walk or a run or to the gym!"

"Ahh... he is old enough to drive himself and/or siblings places! I think I've died and gone to heaven!"

This is where I am at now. Well, all right, not exactly HEAVEN, per se. But it is nice having an extra driver. Especially because I have more classes and earlier classes this semester. I don't have to rely on other people as much. FunnyMan can chauffeur kids to and from home, school, their dad's house, etc.

I know, I know. They say before you know it they'll be grown and gone, and you'll wish YOU were the one getting his cereal, folding his laundry and dropping him off at school. Well, I say, don't ruin this moment of freedom for me. I am thoroughly enjoying it :)


Susie said...

You just take it! Don't miss him before he is gone! You have plenty of time for that, believe me:-)

Debbi said...

I'm so the 'yay for new moments' mom.. I say be that way, instead of the 'wallowing in yester year' mom!!

Puphigirl said...

Wish I was to that point.

Rhonda said...

no...I am with ya! This is a wonderful stage.

Also, when he gives you have another privilege to take away. HA! (but you might be punishing yourself more, LOL)

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