Friday, July 10, 2009

Troll Baby

Last month FunnyMan was in California, at Disneyland & Six Flags with the jazz band, during his birthday. So, I thought it'd be cute to post some baby pics to his FB album so his friends could see how adorable he was as a baby. He had big brown eyes and a head full of hair that stood straight up. Here he is about 4 weeks old... hmmm..... does he remind you of someone?


purplehaze said...

Yeah but he is much cuter!!

Vickie said...

Awe!! How adorable! That is so cool...I had a doll that looked like your son;)

Springbubble said... son has lots of hair too!

Kaye Butler said...

OMGosh in the second picture he really is starting to look just like you.

I love that you got on his facebook and posted baby pictures, that is what parenting is all about. Ruining their lives, one baby picture at a time.

Kaye Butler said...

P.S. I used to have a troll doll that looked a lot like your son in the second picture. My troll doll had a jewel in its belly button and green hair. The belly button thingy really grossed me out, because ALL belly buttons gross me out. I know, weird.

greenolive said...

I remember that little guy.

Debbi said...

HAHAHAHAHAH. Sorry, but now that you put them side by side like that..

um. Em, I think you birthed a troll! lol

okeydokeyifine said...

And if you wet his hair and combed it down it stood straight up as it dried, it was soooooo funny.

Yeah, when I was studying late at night he crawled down the stairs and sat with me while I read or wrote notes. Then when he was done, he climbed back up the stairs. Good Times.

Holli and Billy said...

The resemblance is totally there!

The Blonde Duck said...

I used to love those trolls...esp. the ones with the jewels in their bellies!

Megan said...

SO CUTE!! Your children are all gorgeous, Emma!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

That is hillarious!!!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

That is so funny and cute too!

Susie said...

Too funny! How angry is he right now? Hee, hee, hee.

Megan said...

Haha! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

You didn't?!?!

Rhonda said...

Holy Canoli! You're right, they do look alike! what a cutie pie!