"Are we going somewhere?" they all wanted to know. "Yes," I responded. "We're going to the trail." Suddenly, all looks of hope and excitement turned into disgust and despair. You would have thought I told them we were going to clean out the sewer lines by hand or something. But I wanted to go and exercise, and I knew they needed to get out of the house before they either killed each other, or I killed them all. I told them I was taking them on an easy trail. And it really is easy too. The Lagoon Trail is a 1 mile (each way) paved trail, set mostly in the shade. It is great for walkers, runners, cyclists, and equestrians. It runs behind the local amusement park and there are elk and buffalo along the way too. It's really pretty.
I knew the youngest two wouldn't be able to keep up on foot. So, we loaded their bikes into the back of the van. The oldest doesn't have a bike as it was stolen last summer. I didn't want him to be bored, walking along side of me, so I agreed he could invite some of his friends. Plans were set in motion and we were off.
The oldest seemed to be excited, since his friends were coming. And the youngest loves exercise, so she was okay with it. However, the middle one, LittleDuckling, well, he still did not think this was a good idea. A lot of it probably has to do with his ADHD... if he can't see the end from the beginning, he assumes it is gonna be hard. So me telling him that it was a "short 2-mile bike ride" meant absolutely nothing. I might as well have said, "it'll be 20 miles of hard, labor-intensive pedaling". Anyone who has a kid with ADHD knows that they have a different frustration level and things always seem harder than they really are.
Thus, the entire way there I heard the moaning, the groaning, the grunting, and complaining. We park at the trail head. The older boys take off with the pooch while I unload the bikes for the little ones. LittleDuckling starts in with the whining. I had had it. Teeth clenched, finger pointing, my voice low and firm, I said, "Look here, young man. You will NOT ruin this day for me. We are here to have fun. So you are going to put your helmet on, you are gonna get on that bike, you are gonna ride the trail, you are gonna stop complaining, and you are gonna have fun! Do you hear me?" LittleDuckling nodded his head in acknowledgement and begrudgingly put his helmet on. I stuck my earphones in and tuned in to my "workout playlist". PrettyPrettyPrincess took off to ride in the wind.

Halfway through the first mile, there is a little cul de sac and a road we must cross to get to the next half. Since we are ahead of the older boys, I tell the two younger ones to ride their bikes in the cul de sac while we wait. LittleDuckling had other ideas.

We continue the rest of the trail in peace and tranquility, amazingly enough.

I love hiking.
And you just reminded me I'm taking the kids I nanny for to the zoo today so I'm going to have to hear so many moans and groans of "my legs are tired!"
Wow, what a beautiful trail! That sounds so much like my kids. They bitch and moan about doing fun stuff and after it is over they say, "That was fun". Mean while I went through hell trying to get them to do it.
Have a fun weekend.
Nice! Your kid's best friend told me the trail was "sweet", hanging out with the boys was "sweet", and running ahead with the dog was.... yep... "sweet". I think he had a great time!
I cracked up with the line, "You are not done having fun."
Somestimes, you have to force kids into having fun:-)
Emma, my friend, I know your life. ;)
My adhd'er is the same way. Life seems so much harder for them but YEAH FOR making him have fun!
See, they don't know what they're missing till we MAKE them do it. Good for you for having so much persistence!
hahaha, I loved it. Kids are so predicable! Loved the pic´s!
That is an awesome trail and in the end he did have fun!!
I have said so many time the exact same thing you said to little duckling, so so many times!!
I do think it is the ADHD.... To top it all off it is just being 10ish. That is the wrong age for doing anything FUN in his mind!
Isn't that just like kids. You drag them along kicking and screaming and finally they have fun. But the next time you want to do something with them, they don't remember how much fun they've had.
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