Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick Or Treat?

For today's segment of Festive Fridays with Fun on the Blog, we are going to have a little Halloween Fun! Check out the following costumes... Whaddya think? Tricks or Treats??? [BooWare: Some of the Following images may be a bit disturbing...Frightening!]

Ummm... you're not married, you say? Let's just say it's no Wonder!!!

That does not resemble Smurfette at ALL - well, ok, maybe the "Blue" part.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I though Cookie Monster and Elmo were nice "monsters".
These guys look a little scary!

7-layer Bean Dip? Loaded Baked Potato? I'm not quite sure...

Are you suppose to be Assassin-Moose?

Yeah - let's leave the Kitty Costumes to the Kiddies, shall we???

My Spidey Sense tells me you're not wearing any undies!

Perhaps you should have ordered the "Flintstones For Bro's".
The "flesh-tone feet" would have blended in a little better.

Not sure what you're supposed to be, but I could have gone my whole entire life without seeing you in flesh-toned stirrup pants.
Didn't know guys could have "camel-toe".

Poor Baby! Don't blame him! Is he the Game of Twister?
Or a Package of Wonder Bread?

Oh honey! Next time have Mom do your make-up BEFORE she has her
afternoon bottle of Vodka!
Happy Halloween to All, and to All A Fright Night!!!


Blog Stalker said...

OMGosh! Warning disclaimer would have been nice. lol

I am such a nerd because I knew that those muppets were not cookie monster and elmo they were the aliens who just bounce around saying one word! Geez like that matters..........

I need to get a few of those images outta my head!

Happy Halloween!

S Club Mama said...

I could totally have lived without seeing that Spiderman! Geez Emma, gross! hahahahaha

And those aren't Elmo & Cookie Monster. They're the aliens that say "yup yup yup yup uh-huh uh-huh" :) (I'm with ya blog stalker!)

Rhonda said...

dude...spiderman was all naked with body paint (I'm not confessing to clicking on it to see a larger image-still not very large,lol)

Those were great! i bet the baked potato was all great in that kids moms head but once it came to fruition....not so much!!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Those are so funny!
Happy Halloween.

jewelstreet said...

Yeah, blogstalker! I was going to say that. They were the aliens on sesame street who went something like Me meep or something.

Those are some wild and crazy pics!

Tamie said...

those pictures were frightening enough for my halloween! YIKES!
(oh and those cookie monster/elmo costumes are actually the martians from sesame street....the ones that walk around going wa-u...that was bad...they've got the huge mouths.....i'm doing a terrible job of explaining...they aren't on S.S. any more but were on when we were kids)

TravAndToni said...

Hello Emma. This is your son's friend's mom - he directed me to your blog last night. He thought I would enjoy it. He's a smart boy! I wanted to let you know... the man in the flesh tone outfit with the lights on the helmet - that's the guy from Tron (the CGI movie from the 80's - a really big deal to a lot of 'computer geeks'). That guy is, if you will, a YouTube superstar because of that outfit. It does take all kinds...

Charlotte said...

I was going to mention the same thing about the sesame street characters (their actual name is "The Yip Yips") and the bodypaint on Spidey. However, I have to point out that on men, it is called "Mooseknuckle", not cameltoe!

Anonymous said...

My goodness! Halloween really does bring out the scary doesn't it!

Anonymous said...

Wow those are great! I especially loved Spider Man! haha Have a great halloween!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

That was disturbing and sad that I knew that was Tron. I loved that movie but the spandex outfit yikes. Happy Halloween

The Willeyes said...

MY EYES!!!! Yikes...some of those are very scary. Thanks for the laughs! Enjoy your weekend:) Happy Halloween!

Amy said...

LOL!!! I love it! You are too funny, I love your comments the most!!!

Susie said...

Oh my gosh!! Those are sooooo disturbing!! Happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Ew.. to that Elivs Presley.. and what a weird moose head?!

Holli and Billy said...

Moose knuckle:

The male version of a cameltoe. Usually found on older rotund gentlemen wearing a suit.

"That guy in the business meeting was so big, his moose knuckle was sticking out of his front of his pants and it looked like a fanny pack gone wrong."

As per Urban Dictionary - gotta love that site!

purplehaze said...

I agree that spiderman dude way more than I care to see, Elvis too way to much! Thanks for sharing.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Crap those are fu-unny? Where did you find them all?

Am sending this to my husband who will die laughing.

Puphigirl said...

You don't recognize the guy from Tron? You grew up in the 80s right?

Oh, I've seen the mooseknuckle Elvis before, but not painted naked Spidey. That was awesome!

okeydokeyifine said...

I had to lol OUT LOUD

Ronnica said...

I think the baked potato is cute! And I Blog Stalker is totally right about the muppets, haha!

Oh, but I definitely did not need to see some of those costumes...

Kaye Butler said...

OMGosh! I thought my husband made up the camel thingy...he lied to me.

You are tooo funny!!!!

Sandy said...

I'm glad SITS sent me your way! I really needed a laugh:)

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