Monday, September 8, 2008


My life just got more hectic, and with one to take care of already my "workload" just tripled. For those who haven't noticed or haven't heard yet, I have Two New Additions. These babies came into my life Sunday, September 7th. Laboring over these two was difficult, as the second one came almost TEN HOURS after the first!

I'm not sure yet how much quality time I'll be able to set aside for these new arrivals, as my first-born seems to take up most of my time already. But I will do my best to keep them well-cared for, or at least good enough to lure visitors in to see them. What can I say? I am busy!

Oh - their names? The older of the two is My Silly Stories And Literary Lore and the younger one is Simply Simmer. Yes - my new Blog Babies!!! (What did you think I was talking about?)

In the meantime the links are to the right. So, come on over and see the babies and let me know whatcha think! And don't worry - I won't neglect the Mindless Musings. This is where it all began afterall, isn't it?


Blog Stalker said...

Congratulations on the twins! I know we shouldn't favor one over the other but I just love the Silly stories blog. I'm sure the simmering blog will warm to me once I get to know it. lol

Megan said...

blog twins are easier to care for than the human variety i hope. they don't cry anyway...keep you up at night yes, but

greenolive said...

The twins are sooooo cute. Hopefully Musings will help you take care of the newbies.

purplehaze said...

LOL you are truly addicted to blogging!!!