Sunday, May 12, 2013


So, sometimes I have this thing I do, which often seems uncontrollable - a complex secretometer phenomenon, characterized by seepage from the lacrimal apparatus, without any irritation of the ocular structures.  Yes, it's true.  Sometimes I'm a bit emotional and I cry. This week was no exception.

This week I thought of my Sister-in-law and my brother as they made the 14-ish hour drive to be with the birth mother who would bring their sweet new little girl into their arms on Friday.  I also thought about my dear friend whose mother is dying of cancer.  With Mother's Day fast-approaching, I thought about each of these strong women in my life - my sister-in-law and my friend- and I thought about they struggles they've had to endure or are enduring and I'd get teary-eyed; tears of happiness and joy for my sister-in-law and tears of empathy and heartache for my friend, and I thought about the circle of life, and it hit me that Motherhood is an eternal, never-ending part of life.

To all the beautiful women in my life, to those who have mothers, who've lost mothers, and who are mothers, Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

kanaboke said...

tearing up...Love this post!