Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Slew vs.Gaggle

So, I've had a whole slew (or is it a Gaggle?) of posts I've been working on in an attempt to get back to some regularly scheduled programming on this here blog.  However, it just seems like when I'm almost near the end, I start to fall asleep and think to myself, "I'll finish it tomorrow" before dozing off for the night.

Well, tonight I am bound and determined not to let that happen.

I went with some missionaries to a family's home tonight.  The children (ages 10-13) have been taking the lessons for baptism which will happen this coming weekend.  When the missionaries suggested a word of prayer be offered the kids each started begging to be the one to say the prayer.  One of the boys was called upon, and he bowed his head, folded his hands, and then after a moment of silence, looked up and asked, "How do I begin again?"

This took me back a moment.  It reminded me that while I was raised to believe in the power of prayer, some have yet to experience the privilege and joy. This scene touched my heart and has made me aware of how much more grateful to my parents I am for raising me to know that I can call upon the powers of heaven when needed.  It also reminded me that I needed to look forward and be excited to commune with God, just as these  kids were;  after all, it is a privilege.


Puphigirl said...

I remember those days of wanting to give the prayer. Eager kids.

okeydokeyifine said...

I remember when I had 2 slipped discs and was on the floor and could not get up and the 3 little kids were the only ones @ home. They asked what they could do for me. I answered "pray", they replied, "we already did". Testimony of their testimony on prayer.