Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dreams, Again

I don't know what it is about my brain, but I seem to have the most vivid and crazy dreams. Last week, for 3 nights in a row, I had 3 crazy dreams, and of course they all seemed so real. Keep in mind last week was also finals week for school. Perhaps the stress played a big part in my dreams.

Dream #1 - My van was pulled to the side of a road. It was cold and snowy. My kids were being picked up in another vehicle; leaving for a trip with their dad. After saying our goodbyes, I got back in and started driving down the freeway, in the cold and dreary snow. I felt anxious to get home. There was no more oil in my van. I was in the middle of nowhere. Finally, there was an exit for a very small town. I exited and began searching for a gas station or a store; someplace that would sell oil. I did not see one anywhere. There was a butcher, a baker, and yes - a candle stick maker. Then I came to a road block. I lowered my window and asked the construction crew where the gas station was. They informed me that there wasn't one in this town, and the next town was miles away. I decided to go back into town and see if there was a hardware or something that would sell the oil. I parked my car on main street, for fear that continuing to drive would cause more damage. I walked all around town in and out of the shops. I could not find a hardware. I did see a dentist, a post office, a diner, a candy shop, and a museum filled with odd church art and lots of water fountains. As I walked in and out of each shop, I felt like I was getting more and more lost; losing track of which street I was on and how many turns I had taken. I entered a saloon, and asked the towns folk about the oil. They all seemed to have an answer, but talked at once. It sounded jumbled and I didn't understand. One of the bar keeps came over and stood next to me and tried to make a few passes at me. It was all very uncomfortable, and I just wanted to get home. I woke up before finding the oil.

Dream #2 - I had just pulled into my driveway and exited my van. A man was there to greet me. I consciously tried NOT to roll my eyes, as I was not fond of him. We will call this man JJ. JJ and I happened to see another man approaching from across the street. This man was my old friend Hat Dude. JJ knew of my history with Hat Dude and suddenly became jealous, saying that he had to hurry and find his own hat so he can appear a little taller before Hat Dude reached us. The next thing I know I am surrounded by tons of people; asking me questions, wanting my attention. I felt dizzy. I was overwhelmed. And soon, I passed out. When I came to, there were paramedic around me, as well as my neighbor, Holli. Holli was so excited to see I was awake. She exclaimed something about going to tell the girls I would make it to girls night after all. She hopped in some roadster-jalopy thingy and backed out of my driveway like she was in a getaway car; figure eights, screeching tires, etc. She nearly hit two other cars; but I guess she was just excited. Anyway, I started to get ready for this fancy girls night out which ended up being in the middle of a discount department store from back home; Meijer. Meijer had roped off a few sections and cleared it out and set up fancy tables and chairs and place settings. It was just beautiful for our Girls Night Christmas party. Holli and her mom found me and said they were glad I was okay. We started a conversation, but couldn't finish as loud sounds of the song "Thriller" came pouring over the loud speaker. We could hear people hooting and hollering. We went to go check it out. Right there, in the women's dept, next to jewelry, a group of people were dancing the choreography from the music video Thriller. The store director mentioned something about their daily "Thriller break". Weird!!! After that, my other friend, Mary Jo came over to look at and buy some beaded bracelets PrettyPrettyPrincess had made to sell. Then I woke up.

Dream #3- I was using a can of air spray to clean my computer and keyboard. Cooked rice kept falling out of the keyboard of the pc. I asked the kids about it. They all said they don't eat rice anymore at home (since I don't make it), and especially not while on the computer. I started to get very angry as my super-sleuthing skills had deduced only one person that had previously been in my house that consumes that much rice. I guess I still have some issues... lol!

What about you? Do you ever have strange, vivid dreams? Do they occur randomly? Or just when you're really stressed, anxious or tired?


greenolive said...

I have dream every night but they're usually rather dull.

Rhonda said...

None of mine are that exciting! lol

Puphigirl said...

I haven't really been dreaming lately. Most of my dreams lately are disjointed. Kind of like replaying my day interspersed with things that I thought about or saw on TV. And, if I have been dreaming I haven't been remembering them. When I get up in the morning I don't have time to reflect on my sleep.

Holli and Billy said...

hahaha!!!! i am flattered that i made an appearance in your dream!! i have been having really vivid dreams lately... maybe it is something in the air :)

Alice in Wonderland said...

Emma, these dreams are just the usual anxiety dreams that we all get from time to time. But they are only dreams, and nothing to worry about!
But maybe there is something deep down that you are worried about. They all concern you and your children or friends. Try and take things a bit easier during the run up to Christmas. Your brain tires before your body, so try and relax a bit before the big run up to Christmas!

Ruthykins said...

the other night i dreamed i was in high school and the new teacher wanted to kill us all. my friend nate and i tried to stall for time by going into the bathroom, but then it kept happening over and over. the teacher kept wanting to kill us and we kept going into the bathroom. it was really weird.

Era said...

Yes, I do have strange dreams at times. I am often searching for the right or exact thing but I always wake up before finding it. Sometimes I am so busy in my dreams that I feel tired and sleepy when I wake up.