Friday, April 10, 2009

TGIFriday Humor

Desperate Housewife sent this to me... so funny. It's Barbie at age 50. I especially love the cat on the bed, the empty soda cans strewn about and the Chinese take-out box left on the stool. That's exactly where I put mine when I blog from bed... hahaha!

I snagged this off someone's blog a few weeks ago... can't remember who, but thanks for the laughs...

Well, I guess that about sums it up now, doesn't it? Have a great weekend everybody!


Amy said...

Funny! I'm posting the Barbie thing too in a few it from my mom!! LOVE it!!! :)

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Very funny!
Have a great weekend.

Green said...

Have a great weekend and Easter (or Passover)

Julie H said...

LOL the Barbie is too funny!

Rhonda said...

Ashleigh was right next to me and she's now begging for that Barbie. "I WANT IT", she says. lol and yep...that pretty much sums it up!

Have a great weekend. I'm inspired by you're exercising!

Vickie said...

Funny pictures!