I decided on a little FB experiment. In my "status bar" I posed the question, "What would you want your headstone to say?" Additionally, I asked a few of my FB Friends during FB chat too. Here were a few of their responses:
Ruthykins: "Wife and Mother. Birthyear. Deathyear."
ActionJackson: "Good man. Good Father. Served his country. Did his best to serve God."
BishopsWife: "She's Dead...All Dead!"
Travman: Since I will be buried face-down and and rear end pointing to the sky (referring to his sentence to Hell) I want a my headstone to read "Please Park Bike Here."
I had a good chuckle over that one. I enjoy walking through graveyards (during broad daylight, of course) and reading the different headstones. I like to see what year the person was born and how old they were when they died. I like to imagine their story. Everyone has a story, it just takes finding it to make it interesting.
Some headstones are extremely detailed, like these:
Then there are the headstones that are a little confusing. Is it a religious reference? An attempt at humor? And inside joke only the family will understand? Case in point...
Here are a few others I have found to be peculiar or funny. I think the wording is what makes this one stand out. I like to call it, "The Exodus"... Entered life via Baltimore. Exit Via Albuquerque.
This one is definitely a family "inside" joke...
Then there is the obvious...
And this last one is my favorite of all. Perhaps because it reminds me of something my parents would totally do...
What epitaph-style do you like? Simple? Lots of Detail? Humorous?
One year for Halloween I made tombstones for the yard for my kids' party (even though when my mom did it, i was like, totally em-bar-assed). Here were some Epitaphs I did...
1- Here lays John Doe. All dressed up and no place to go.
2- Here lays Fred. Hanged by mistake, sorry you're dead!
3- Here lays that one kid. Nobody liked him. Everybody hated him. Guess he's eating worms.
4- Here lays the last dog that pooped in this yard.
Here's what I am sort of leaning towards for myself...
She laughed, she cried
She lived, she died.
Sort of sums it all up, don'tcha think?
So, c'mon, let's hear it bloggy fans... what do you want your headstone to say???
as long as mine doesn't say something like GOOD RIDDANCE then I'm good with it.
I can't believe I have no answer. I don't know what I'd want it to say. I guess I want my LIFE to say more than my headstone. Yah, that's my answer. I'll go with that.
i'm totally changing what i want on my tombstone. i now want it to read: "nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess i'll go eat worms..." i think that would be hilarious! funny.
First I want to say that was very werid reading the "Robert Clay Allison" because I am reading this book that mention that headstone! I don't think I will have a headstone because I want to be cremated and my ashes spread over the ocean, but if I did I would want it simple like loving wife and mother.
Funny! I love the one that just says "bye". Short and sweet.
I´ll have to give this some thought what should be on mine. I would want it to reflect me love for friendships!
This is a great post. My favorite is: I told you I was sick.
I can't think of mine at the moment, but you've given me something to think about.
You've given a heavy topic a light mood. I like that.
not quite sure yet, but it would have to be humorous. I'm not scared of death.
Maybe something like this:
Fearless. Funny. Free.
Yeah, that sounds good... ;P
She came. She conquered. She ate chocolate.
I love that first one. Hilarious. I don't know what I want mine to say. I always tell my husband that he better not bring flowers to my grave. I'd rather have them while I'm alive. I'll have to come up with some clever saying. I like the "I told you I was sick" one.
My question is about the one where the guy was hanged for the death of his sweetheart. Did he really think she was a "sweetheart" if he killed her?
I don't really care what'll be on my tombstone. I actually could care less if I had one, but I guess my family would care. Unless I die old and childless, because I'd just be the eccentric aunt.
Survived all but this
I absolutely love tombstones. There's always a story behind them. :)
I haven't really thought about my tombstone yet.. It'll have to be something amusing though. Something like "she knew everything. Apart from which glass had the poison"
yup yup
I LOVE THIS POST. I'm printing it off for my bosses. 50 years in the monument business around here.
Those things are so expensive, I want mine simple and sweet.
Foot marker, name, birthdate deathdate, gray granite.
I want my girls to shop smart.
I know I am a few days late with this, but I was driving and it came to me: The one tale I didn't live to tell...
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