Sometimes, when I am having a crazy day at work, this is what gets me through.
I wouldn't say I have an addiction or anything. I like these because I am not a chocoholic. Chocolate makes me thirsty and plus, I hate the after-taste. These are tart enough that I never get tempted to eat too many either.
Plus, I can sort and categorize them while I am "on hold" waiting for lenders to pick up. So, see - good exercise for the brain too.
And just because I like to sort them by color, Left to right, with the flavors I hate on the left leading up to the favorite on the right; and just because I eat them left to right, because I swear they taste better that way, does not make me OCD in the LEAST bit... ;)
...and I do NOT need a 12-step program...
...and I do NOT need a 12-step program...
funny that this is your solution for a "crazy" day at work. hmmm? just kidding you're not crazy, but as you were describing why you liked them so much I thought, wow those really are a great treat for Emma. they are too tart to pig out and you get to organize too. Terrific!
I think its brilliant. Especially the built in quantity control mechanism.
I have never sorted from left to right...but now I might start.
mmmm "rockets" (canadian). I love those.
Cheese Nips
do you also eat M&M's by color and size? and by how many of each color there are?
Orrrr is that just me?
maybe a little OCD!! LOL!
LOL well if you can stay out of the 12 step I say go for it!! I like to sort M & M's.
I'm not a smartie person, but I like your idea.
You are too funny!!
i also sort and stack, but i don't line them up left to right. mine are just in haphazard piles. that's how i stack.
I too eat them in a color order of least to favorite. Then I eat them two at a time, one for each side of my mouth. What I hate is that there are only 15 per pack, so I have to eat 2 packs.
WAY 2 GO, EMMA!!!! Yes, I sort them, too. First by color. And then, so I have three of each color, then two of each color, and then one of each color... and then I eat them ALL at the SAME time...
I love those kinds of candy too!
I love Smarties. I eat them by color too. I do that with M&Ms also. First, I have two or three of each color, then I whittle it down to 2 of ea color, then 1, etc... :)
I love ORANGE smarties :) You forgot to mention that you "loose" them :)
Oh I can eat these for ever. The only thing that makes me stop is...the kids like them too and I have to share:)
I've never done it with smarties, but my M&Ms must be divided into piles with one of each color. Any stragglers must be be immrediatly eaten. Then I eat one pile at a time, in order: brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue.
I don't think you're crazy at all. I'll start worrying when you start crushing them and snorting them in lines from left to right.
I too am not a fan of chocolate. That is so funny that you sort and categorize them. I too do that when eating these.
Happy Wednesday!
That's awesome. I'd always get a pack of smarties when I went to the doctor...I want some now!
I treat M and Ms that way--line them up by color and eat them in the proper order.
Makes people crazy.
But I cannot help it
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