Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dream Sequence: Round 2

Thanks for all of your input/psychoanalysis of my DreamBaby Dreams. Very interesting. Certainly gave me things to consider. As promised, here's another one of my weird dreams. I had this one Sunday night. [segway into dream music]

I am meeting my mother for lunch at a buffet somewhere. We are filling our plates with food, including really big luscious red strawberries. Anyway, as we are approaching our booth, there are two guys sitting in the booth next to us. I recognize them. They are apparently good friends of mine. They motion for me to come sit down with them. They need to discuss our recent transaction. My mom doesn't think I should. But I convince her they are good friends. She doesn't seem upset, and like what happens often in dreams, she disappears completely from the dream.

Suddenly we are no longer in a buffet restaurant, but some greasy-spoon diner. The two guys and I start to chat - a little small talk. The big guy tells me about his family and about the fun stuff they have planned for the weekend, etc. The smaller guy appears to be a closer friend to me than the bigger one. We talk briefly about his struggles as a gay man (I don't know what that reference is about).

Anyway - to cut to the chase, they bring up the fact that my latest "move" has actually cost us money. The three of us are apparently investing in something together. Anyway, I get confused. I tell them I didn't understand how it all worked. I feel mortified that I have cost us money. I apologize. They are very forgiving.

They are both trying to explain how the market works, and how to make money in it, etc. I can hear them, but can't understand the words they are saying; it's mumbo-jumbo. I feel overwhelmed and start to cry. "I can't do this. I can't do this anymore. I don't know what I am doing!" I exclaim. They both try to get me to calm down, but I just keep crying and repeating myself. Until, that is, I actually woke myself up from crying so hard.

So, I turned my tear-stained pillow over and go back to sleep, never to see my "investment friends" again.

Weird... any thoughts on this one???


Carol said...

Wow that is bizarre. Who knows what that means?

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Now that was a weird one. I felt bad that it affected you so much that you awoke crying.....maybe it is a sign that so many people want something of you that you need to get away. A Carribean cruise maybe..........

Ruthykins said...

i wish i could go into business with two strange men at a greasy spoon diner and have them yell at me and then forgive me.

Rhonda said...

can i go to the carribean with you? I had a dream my mom fell into our newly seeded, manured, and very SOGGY yard and fell in. That's when it turned to a quicksand type of lawn and we couldn'tget her out. wierd huh?

I think my dream just proved my point that I'm always making to my husband...YOU WATER TOO MUCH! For heaven sakes someone could drown!

Susie said...

I think it means that you are overwhelmed.

Kaye Butler said...

Your mom dissappears
You cost them money
Big guy
Little guy
You can't handle it anymore

Maybe its forshadowing your secret involvment with the MOB.

Kaye Butler said...

I meant to put the word....future... in front of involvment...Hello, that makes the word foreshadowing work better...


purplehaze said...

Emma you have some strange dreams, but to remember them like you do wow. Don't really know what it all means. Sorry to hear you woke yourself up crying! When I dream they are usually really out there. It sounds more like you had a night terror.

P.S. Thanks for all your post I really appreciate your imput.

The Willeyes said...

It's because money problems are all anyone is talking about lately:)

Puphigirl said...

If you are crying about money having dreams about babies, you must be pregnant. wink, wink

Anonymous said...

maybe you have been watching the news too much? about the market?? haha, dreams are so interesting!

KiennaP said...

It's hard to read this... some of the words are cut off. But... yeah, what's with all the dreamy stuff? I have weird dreams all the time, but not like that! hmmm.....