Monday, February 14, 2011

14 Days Of Love by Emma (Reused)

Last year my friend Megs from Mmmboppin' had a "14 Days of Love" series on her blog. She highlighted some of her favorite bloggers (Including ME!!! Yes -- ME!!!) and asked us to write out 14 things we love. Then, during her February Countdown to Valentine's Day, she spotlighted one of us per day.

I had sooo much fun with it, I initially thought I would just like totally copy her this year and get 14 of YOU to do the same for MY blog. But, who am I kidding? I am too disorganized and crazy-busy to pull something that well-orchestrated off on my blog at the moment. In lieu of that, I figure, what the hay -- I'll just copy her by actually copying her, which would mean I would copy me and what I wrote for her, but since it's me, it's not really copying her then, is it? Whoa~ Stop the ride. I wanna get off.

Moving On. Here is my post as featured by Megs last year. Enjoy, and Happy Valentine's Day!!! Bloggy Love to all of you, dear readers!

14 Days of Love, By Emma

Here are 14 things I love:

14. That split second after I've finished sneezing and realize I haven't peed my pants. Truly a celebratory moment!
13. Biting into some dark chocolate, confirming I've made the right candy selection.
12. Hot Irish men with accents... (have you see, "PS, I Love You"???)
11. Finding just the right tune from John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Keane or Jamie Cullum, etc. that sums up how I am feeling right then and there, and then downloading it to my iPod, setting it to repeat and listening to it 200 times in a row until I know every word, every breath, every ooh and every ahh... (What do you mean, "Compulsive"?)
10. Cheese! Glorious Cheese! (Get a "big" brie wheel from Costco. Bake on sheet of foil @ 250, 10-15 minutes and delve in with Triscuits... OH.MY.GOSH.GOOEY.GOODNESS!!! You won't regret it!)
9. Making late night runs for Mexican Food... yumm-o! (Washed down by a Diet Coke, of course!)
8. (Something I have NEVER told ANYONE till now) Caltoy Hand Puppets that I secretly started collecting a few years ago from thrift shops. Seriously - they are so stinkin cute! (I only have 6 so far...not sure what I am gonna do with them... I may just have to blog about this.)
7. Finding a decent smelling bath gel for like a buck and then pouring HALF of its contents under running hot bath water for a luxurious long soak!!! (Now, if only I had a deep-enough tub to actually submerge the girls!)
6. Massages... they are like crack-cocaine. For reals. If you haven't had one, get one.
5. When my kids look at me, talking with their mouths full, telling me I am like the best cook ever and can I please, please, please make this again?
4. Improving my time on the treadmill or trail...It's empowering!
3. Vintage spoon rings. This is a new obsession... totally cool. Best ones I've seen are on Etsy, for reals!
2. That moment leading up to like the best kiss ever... A little nibble on the ear, face to palm, mouth to tongue... Whew! Is it like getting hot in here or is it just me???
1. That moment when I realize that I *AM* on the right track, and that I *CAN* do hard things, and that my Heavenly Father *DOES* love me... and that in the end, no matter what happens... I *WILL* be okay. Yeah... I love *THAT* moment.

Ok -- 2 of my favorite comments from that post (I've just gotta share) are these...

JWise said, "wow!!! Amazing list. No wonder you love this Emma. Anybody who can use the words "crack-cocaine," "mouth to tongue" and "Heavenly Father" in 6 sentences knows what's what!"

RhondaLue said, "I heart Emma. She makes me laugh...and she makes me feel normal! Lol!"

haha! Happy Valentine's Day!!! Mwah!!!


Susie said...

Great list!

Puphigirl said...

In regards to hot Irish men, have you seen Leap Year? Also, I too hail the cheese. I love it!

Rhonda said...

so funny, I don't even remember making that comment or reading that post before. Good gracious I have a very short memory these days! But I feel the make me laugh and I <3 you!!! ;)

Maybe I'll post 15 things I love since I'm a day late for Vday! I'm in a blog slump so maybe that'll help.

KiennaP said...

My mouth was watering when you mentioned cheese! Love the list, mom! Especially # 1 on the bottom!

Rhonda said...

since I've taken a break from FB I need you to post something here. mmkay? good. Thanks buh-bye.

kanaboke said...
