Saturday, March 27, 2010

Six Word Saturday (and then some)

She marked "perfect!", then graded 95!

(if it was perfect, then. Why not 100%???)


Anonymous said...

Teachers! You always get that teacher who refuses to give 100's even when they are deserved!

Puphigirl said...

Is 95 the new 100?

Rhonda said...

Some teachers are allergic to 100%. It really irks me because the perfect score SHOULD be attainable but they never want to give it!

Ben, who is a little prodigy, got all A's on his report card and then I noticed that he got a lot of B's for EFFORT. I'm like, "seriously, how much harder does he have to try when he's getting all A's???" But the teacher explained that he didn't get A's in effort because he doesn't like to participate and doesn't raise his hand even when he knows the answers. I asked him about it and he said, "Yah, cuz I don't want to always be the only one raising my hand!" Plus the teacher said that he doesn't have to try as hard as the other kids to learn or remember things. So he should get points marked OFF for that? He can't help the mind he was born with! STUUUUUUUUPID!

C'mon. Dude has straight A's. Give him some validation for the effort he does make.

Neff III family said...

I had a teacher who didn't give 100% either. If I got all the answers right, he would take off 1 point because my name was crooked. I think he just did it to irk me though and he was actually my fav teacher.

greenolive said...

You should randomly bring up the definition of the word perfect in class sometime. Maybe she forgot what it means.