Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Care to Explain?

I mean, I get it that "sex sells" (though I think it is absurd)... but I do not get this ad found in a home decor magazine.

The equestrian is topless, looking at a horse (which is a little creepy, I might ad), and she is standing in the midst of her bedroom furniture.

The ad reads, "Perfection doesn't just happen. There's always a dream behind it." As you could imagine, this leaves me with many questions.

Is this scene supposed to resemble a dream? If so, what does a dream about a half-nekked horse rider in the woods have to do with the furniture. Are they saying that she is "perfection"? Or what? And is there no other way to depict a dream without showing her half nekked??? I mean, I realize that it's "PG"... but still.

I have come up with at least 5 scenarios; 2 of them far-fetched. Anyone care to explain??? Do YOU get it?


Susie said...

Yeah...I don't get it.

Puphigirl said...

Uh, I would think her boobs would hurt after riding a horse with no support.

BlueCastle said...

It's getting funnier and funnier the more I stare at it. :) Those high-waisted riding pants look incredibly uncomfortable, don't they?

Jennifer Rae said...

Now a hot guy topless would make more sense!

S Club Mama said...

LOL I don't understand when you look in a Victoria's Secret catalog and they are showing off their nice pants (like business suit type pants) and jackets but the girl is shirtless. What?

Ruthykins said...

come on. like you don't have dreams where you're naked.

Kyle W Phillips said...

TURN AROUND PLEASE!!! And by the way you ladies have the Old Spice guy shirtless and riding a horse backwards.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Yeah, I don't get it either, but I have been having some weird dreams lately....but not THAT weird!
Yes, jodhpurs do come that far up. Any lower down and they start to chafe.
Do horses dream about people? Just a thought! LOL!!!!