Saturday, May 23, 2009

Six Word Saturday

How Do YOU Define True Love?


Anonymous said...

butterflies in my tummy!

Green said...

Love is a friend for life.

Susie said...

When you can be together and just shut up:-)

Anonymous said...

When we are just comfortable together.

Jennifer Rae said...

When you have passion for their dreams that is greater than your own.

Vickie said...

When I blog he doesn't care:)

Of course today he is being a putz!

TravAndToni said...

He loves me, no matter what.

okeydokeyifine said...

I concur with Trav amd Toni

purplehaze said...

My rock and salvation, my best friend.

S Club Mama said...

When you're both committed no matter what.

Rhonda said...

True Love= being comfortable together, knowing what the other is thinking before they open their mouth, loving the person even AFTER they open their mouth and say something stupid, forgiveness, but most of all friendship.

Tulsi said...

Really missing the person when they are gone. Which might sound mean to the normal person, but Steve is gone so much for National Guard stuff and Highway Patrol stuff that it makes sense to us. And being happy they are around when they are.

S Club Mama said...

thank you so much for commenting today. I was just set on having a date, so it sucks when plans don't go as, well, planned. haha

I'm just feeling overwhelmed by my simple life after such a hectic few months since January. And being stuck at our house without a car just compacts the trapped feelings. :S

HiHoOhio said...

Sleepless, distraction, smiles, sweaty palms, calm, excellent