Friday, April 24, 2009

Addicted to Facebook?

I admit, I LOVE Facebook! However, I am not addicted to it like some FBers are. I love to stalk my friends' & family's profiles, read their walls, view their photos, etc. That way, I feel "caught up" or "in the loop" with them. I don't play the games or give people stuff or own any virtual pets or anything. But I DO enjoy changing my status updates frequently and seeing what everyone else is up to. Any chance for a witty or clever comment, and I'm there!

But I don't know anyone as addicted to FB as this chick:

So, how 'bout it? Are YOU addicted to FB?


Anonymous said...

Great picture! I recently started on facebook and I have to say I like it. It's easy to know what's going on with people and share with minimal effort.

Amy said...

I am addicted!!!! but not to this great post!! great pic!!

deb@virginia blue said...

I use Facebook, but I'm absolutely not addicted. Sometimes it's been so many days between logging in that I've had like 20-25 notifications...

greenolive said...

I like to get on FB everyday to see what's new. I've tried some games and things but I've lost interest in them. So I guess I have to get a daily fix but it is totally not my whole life.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I thought I was bad! That is a great picture. I may use it on my blog some day if you don't care?
Have a great weekend!

Green said...

If I can stop laughing :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you~next time I get harassed for being on the laptop all day, I'll tell him I don't bring it to the potty!

Green said...

Oh and I admit although I have a facebook account, I'm as good about getting on there as I am with twittering...NOT!

Tamie said...

YES! it is so mcuh fun to find people and reconnect (come and connect with already know my last name....) that is seriously the best networking tool out there
we've got a page for a fitness group that meets at the is uber-awesome :)

The Willeyes said...

YES!!! but thankfully not to THAT extent. I love finding people, seeing everyones pictures, everyones status updates and I do enjoy one of the games...but wow...I'm glad I'm not that bad-I think she needs help :)

Ashley said...

I haven't admitted I have a problem yet....

Ruthykins said...

i'm just addicted to the internet in general. i'm on facebook a lot, but sometimes it's 'cause i'm instant messaging someone (mattie) and don't want to stop talking.

Holli and Billy said...

The first step is admitting you have a problem, right?! In that case, I definitely don't have a problem...

Rhonda said...

no. I'm not. I might be if I could remember everyones names from back in the day but I remember so few people. I have plenty of "friends" and it's good for when I have a minute to read up on what's going on. It's a great way to get to know people better when you have something to talk about like-hey sorry you broke your toe last week..yadda yadda.

Anyway I like it but am not addicted. I don't plan to be either. lol

Susie said...

Oh my gosh! That's overkill:-)

purplehaze said...

I'm not on face book, but that picture was something else. That is way to addicted! LOL

Anna said...

I love Facebook. I get on at least once a day... But, I mostly just like to see if anyone elses life is more interesting than mine :) I don't ever send anyone anything and I usually ignore every request I get and I never play the games. I don't have time for all of that... But, I do love to see what everyone else is doing.

Puphigirl said...

I just like to see the status updates and play a couple of games. I generally don't send people stuff or accept what people send me.

Tinabean said...

I'm addicted about as far as you are.
I check it everyday but I rarely ever send anyone anything I just like to keep up with what's going on with everyone.

Betty said...

I´m addicted but only to see what my daughters are up to. I love seeing new photos too!

Anonymous said...

Naw, I'm not addicted. I get on once or twice a week. Blogging is addictive enough for me!

Tulsi said...

I'm on FB and check it every day if I get a thing in my inbox of my email.But I'm not addicted. I like to look around. I do get annoyed at some of the games.

Tulsi said...

I'm on FB and check it every day if I get a thing in my inbox of my email.But I'm not addicted. I like to look around. I do get annoyed at some of the games.

Emily said...


Don't ever tell my Husband... LOL

Charlotte said...

Daily user, but not addicted.