Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good Hair Day

I think like the last time I did my hair was like 2 weeks ago!!! (Of course I washed it -- That's not what I mean.) What I mean is that I have just been too plain tired to do anything with it. I have either went with a "wash 'n wear" semi-curly (messy) look, or pony-tailed it and called it good.

So, when the alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, I actually GOT UP. In spite of the fact that I had only had 4 hours of sleep, I managed to pick my kids up at their dad's by 7, get two of them off to school and one off to the neighbor's, not to mention get my own shower and "do" my hair and head off to work!

Well, my hair must have appreciated this long-awaited, much over-due effort on my part. Cuz today my hair said "thanks" and rewarded me with a "Good Hair Day". I don't mean to say my hair looked Fabulous or anything. I don't like a superficial look. Just a nice natural look that won't go flat by lunch time!

So, while the all plebs ditched me for their lunch appointments, leaving me to fend for myself, I suddenly had this insatiable craving for Cheetos. I rummaged through my desk drawers, but couldn't dig up enough coinage to suffice the vending machine. Alas, I decided to break a dollar bill, knowing it would be worth every penny for those tasty, little cheesy fragments of which I was about to partake.

I darted across the hall, and nabbed the much-too-little bag for my much-too-big-craving. On my way back in, I noticed my reflection. I paused and did a double-take. "Whoa - nice hair!" Then upon further scrutiny, "Ugh - Tired face!" Poor Hair, I'll try to do you more justice tomorrow.

I'd like to thank the Haircademy for their generosity, MrBusDr. for the hair color, and NurseMom for the texture. Too Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.


greenolive said...

That's not fair. On your great hair day, I'm having one of my worst hair days. BTW I like your product placement of the Cheetos. Do you get paid for that?

Tinabean said...

Your hair looks really good.
Of course I only have your pics on your blog to go by since I've never met you in Real life.
But I like that picture.

P.S. Jer just came in & told me to stop looking at Porn.
So apparently he thinks your blog is porn.
Give him He*& will ya!

ann said...

you are having a great hair day! I love those days! I hair just falls into place like it always should!

BTW yes we should live closer to each other it would be some good times!

Sydney said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you'll visit again soon! BTW, love the hair!

The Willeyes said...

It makes all the difference in the world when you have a good or bad hair day...yeah for the good ones :)

kanaboke said...

that closing speech o' yours was classic YOU! And you are having a lovely hair day...not to mention, your face does NOT look tired! you are beautiful!