Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's Sunday. You Only Get ONE Meal!

Growing up, we had one big meal on Sundays. I mean, we ate breakfast (usually cereal, sometimes pancakes) and then scurried off to church. Once we got home we worked together to make "Sunday Dinner". I remember hanging out in the kitchen, seeing what I could do to help. Mostly because I was hungry, and wanted to speed things along.

It was during these Sunday preparation times I learned to set a table, tear lettuce (not chop), slice onions, chop tomatoes, make Garlic Bread, grate cheese, or whatever other task I was given. Then... we ATE! Depending on what time our church ended, when we got home, and how long it took to make the food, Sunday "Dinner" would often commence sometime between the hours of 1-3.

Usually following the meal, my parents would take a nap. (I don't care what ANY of you are *my* mind, they took a nap.) Then in the evening, around 7pm, my dad would make popcorn. This was pretty much a Sunday tradition. In the winter months, he would often do one batch of homemade caramel corn too!

Now, to accompany the popcorn we would also have Ice Cream or brownies or cookies, or whatever it was one of us girls baked (usually me) while my parents were taking said nap. Then we snacked the rest of the night while we played games or watched a TV program together.

Ok, fast forward. When I became an adult, I followed this same pattern. Come home from church, make the "big meal"/"Sunday Dinner", then NAP (for me, it really *IS* a nap!) and then snack the rest of the night.

When I was married, I remember the first few times my husband would ask me, around 6pm, "What's for dinner?" I'd look at him like, "Are YOU CRAZY??" I would answer with, "Um... nothing. It's Sunday. You get ONE meal. If you're hungry, find a snack." I have ALWAYS been like this, yet it never fails. Every Sunday around 7pm, one of my children (usually the same one) will inevitably ask, "What's for dinner?" And I always respond... "'s Sunday. One Meal."

Anyway, it's funny to me that I do not get hungry on Sundays for more than one meal. Also, I can barely make it through the meal staying awake. As soon as I finish my plate, I literally drag myself to my room and I am OUT.FOR.THE.COUNT. I can't even stay awake long enough to wash dishes. That usually happens *After* I get up and while the brownies or cookies or cake are baking.

I mean, any other day of the week, even if I *do* have a late lunch, once it hits 6pm or 7pm I am STARVING for dinner. And though I don't really sleep for more than 2-3 hours at a time anyway, I can rarely nap on a "regular day".

I guess my brain just KNOWS when it is Sunday.

What about you? Is your brain wired differently on a certain day of the week or during certain events?


  1. I don't know about a specific day, but my brain is definitely wired for pizza once a week.

  2. We too have followed the Sunday tradition. Though not religiously. I either make the meal right after church and we snack later. Or, we snack after church and I make a meal later. It is flexible. Oh, and I LOVE my Sunday nap.

  3. I can´t believe it...we do the same thing on Sunday!! We eat a big lunch and dinner is just snacks or whatever. I thought we were "different", but now I feel ok. :)

  4. Oh yeah - Sunday is a ONE meal day here too. Completely love this day. It's my day off and sometimes I get a "nap" too.;)

  5. For sure, Sunday is definitely a one meal day. And growing up, as soon as we were old enough to cook a packet of Ramen Friday and Saturday were called "Get it YOURSELF." My parents would go out to dinner and we were on our own for meals. Can't wait until my kids are old enough for "Get it YOURSELF" night.

  6. Almost everyday is a "One Day Meal" for me! But during my married days, Sunday was often a long lie in bed, read the newspapers, and just slob all day! We would just snack all day!
    It was both of our days off, and sometimes we didn't even leave the bed-room at all!
    I really miss those days!

  7. yeah, i do that. my husband's parents make a big meal on sundays. we usually go there after church. so, we have breakfast, then we go to church, then we go the nana's and grampa's and wait until like 6 to eat. i'm usually starving by then, so sometimes we snack before dinner. this past sunday we stayed home so we had breakfast and lunch. i was fine not eating anything else, but derek still is not used to my sunday schedule. i ended up making something at like 9 at night.

  8. My brain is wired to have spaghetti on Mondays:-)

  9. We are the same way. Those kids are out of their ever. loving. minds...if they think they're getting more than one meal. Because it's a big meal, a nice one..and you should only be hungry for treats after that.

    Sometimes when I tuck the kids into bed they are going through our eating schedule of the day and want to know what was for dinner. I ask them, "what was the last thing you ate?" They reply, "Um cookies." "Yep, that was dinner." lol

  10. We really don't have any sort of food schedule, but I make big fancy meals more often on Sundays than any other day, probably because that's when Mom always did it.

  11. No, are Sundays are just like our other days. But yours sound so much better. Actually even relaxing even with with all the cooking! I would love to pop some popcorn in the evening and chill.

  12. This is what my mom did too! One big meal after church (whatever time that may be) and then cereal or a milkshake for "dinner"


"That ain't no etch-a-sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, homeskillet."